The loss of the legendary Alex Trebek leaves a void in the game show Jeopardy. While no one can be another Alex Trebek, there are several names in the rumors mill of who could potentially become the new host. After a petition went viral, Burton will guest host the show from July 26-30 according to Jeopardy producers.

Jeopardy executive producer Mike Richards said in a statement, “Our goal has been to present a wide variety of guest hosts with different skill sets and backgrounds on our path to finding a permanent host. Our passionate fans are telling us what they like, and we are listening. All of the guest hosts have brought individualism, energy and an authentic love of our show to each of their episodes. We look forward to sharing the rest of the season with our viewers.”

Burton thanked his supporters on Twitter, writing, “THANK YOU… to all y’all for your passionate support! I am overjoyed, excited, and eager to be guest-hosting Jeopardy!, and will do my utmost best to live up to your faith. YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE! Go ahead and take my word for it, this time.”

Alex Trebek has hosted Jeopardy since the show began 37 years ago. On November 8, 2020 he lost his battle against cancer at the age of 80.