A prominent Democratic fundraising operative confidently predicted that Joe Biden, the presidential nominee, would defeat President Donald Trump and win the White House, according to a memo sent Wednesday afternoon to about 100 high-dollar party donors.Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Nevada were among the still undecided states the operative told top donors the Democratic Party expected Biden to win.”VP Biden is on track to win this election and he will be the next President of the United States,” wrote the operative, who has raised significant money for Biden’s campaign effort and shared the memo with newsmen on condition of anonymity.”Biden wins this with at least 290 Electoral Votes, and with wider margins in the Midwest than Trump won with in 2016,” the memo went on.

Early on Wednesday, Trump prematurely declared himself the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but his campaign has since distanced itself from the president’s baseless declaration as several states continue to count votes.The memo provided assessments for five still undecided states:Nevada: “We expect to win. Leading by 8,000 already and don’t see outstanding ballots that would change this lead. Final results expected tomorrow.

“Michigan: “We expect to win. Leading by 12,000 with 10% left to count. Most outstanding ballots are from Dem-heavy areas (Wayne County). Expect conclusion later today.”Pennsylvania: “We expect to win. 1.4 million ballots outstanding. Those are expected to heavily favor Biden. We will know Friday.”Georgia: “Toss Up. Most outstanding ballots are from Atlanta area favoring Biden. Conclusion expected today.”North Carolina: “Tight leaning to Trump. Conclusion will take several days.”The memo also predicted that Biden would win Wisconsin, which, by Wednesday afternoon, the former vice president had won, according to Insider’s election-results tracker.As Wednesday afternoon turned to evening, Biden himself expressed confidence that he’d win, saying “it’s clear” his campaign is “winning enough states to win 270 electoral votes.

“But earlier in the day, the Trump campaign itself predicted victory, with Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien telling reporters on a conference call that “if we count every legally cast ballot, we will win.”Trump’s campaign has already said it will request a recount in Wisconsin. And the president has spent much of Wednesday attempting to undermine confidence in the vote-counting process.”They are working hard to make up 500,000 vote advantage in Pennsylvania disappear — ASAP. Likewise, Michigan and others!” Trump tweeted about noon Wednesday.”We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!” Trump tweeted overnight.The Trump campaign, meanwhile, has continued to aggressively raise money ahead of what could be a protracted legal fight over who wins the presidency.