Lamar Odom claims he was drugged on the night he nearly died at a Nevada brothel in 2015.

The former NBA star discussed the events of the night he suffered from multiple strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure as a result of a potent mix of drugs and alcohol found in his system. He told host Joy Sutton on a recent episode of the Facebook Live show Addiction Talk that he did not voluntarily take any illegal drugs on the night of Oct. 13, but what became the most public night of his life actually helped him get clean.

“I didn’t take anything that night,” he claimed during the episode. “I was really hurt and almost in some sense afraid because somebody just tried to take my life.”

This isn’t the first time Odom has shifted the blame in his accidental overdose. He has previously blamed Love Ranch brothel owner Dennis Hof for his hospitalization. During the episode he questioned Hof’s intentions.

“I think Dennis Hof… I don’t know what he had against me, but I didn’t do drugs that night, to be honest with you,” Odom claimed on The View in 2019. “So I don’t know if he tried to poison me, or … I don’t know what he had against me. He tried to kill me.”

The former Los Angeles Lakers player slipped into a coma in October 2015 after being discovered unconscious at a Las Vegas brothel. Odom has been in recovery ever since Hof died in 2018 after a wild weekend of parties celebrating his 72nd birthday. He was found dead at his Love Ranch brothel, the same brothel where Odom overdosed.