Kim Kardashian laid bare her struggles against body-shaming and touched upon the hate she got for gaining 60 pounds during her first pregnancy with daughter North.

In an Instagram stories posting, Kardashian detailed how she had been compared to a killer whale during the later stages of her pregnancy in 2013, and how her figure was contrasted unfavorably to Prince William’s wife Kate, who was also pregnant at the time.

“I cried every single day over what was happening to my body, mainly from the pressures of being constantly compared to what society considered a healthy person should look like – as well as being compared to Shamu the Whale by the media,” she wrote, referring to the mammal that used to perform at SeaWorld.

“I was shamed on a weekly basis with cover stories that made my insecurities so painful I couldn’t leave the house for months after. It really broke me,” said Kardashian, who rose to fame through her family’s reality TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

“No-one deserves to be treated with such cruelty or judgment for entertainment,” Kardashian told her 208 million Instagram followers.