Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

3 minutes read. Updated 11:07AM GMT Thurs, 25July, 2024

On July 24, 2024, President William Ruto of Kenya made a significant political move by nominating four prominent figures from the main opposition party, led by Raila Odinga, to his newly restructured cabinet. This move is seen as an effort to create a more inclusive government amidst escalating political and social unrest in the East African nation.

The nominees include:

  • Hassan Joho as Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs
  • Wycliffe Oparanya as Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives
  • John Mbadi as Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury
  • Opiyo Wandayi as Cabinet Secretary for Energy

These appointments mark a notable shift in Kenyan politics, with these four politicians being influential allies of Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). This decision forms part of a broader strategy by President Ruto to stabilize his administration and address the growing public discontent.

This announcement follows Ruto’s previous batch of appointments, which retained six former Cabinet ministers. The inclusion of opposition members is seen as a strategic move to broaden the government’s base, yet it has stirred controversy. Critics, including members of the ODM, have accused the opposition of treason, with allegations of a covert deal being brokered behind the scenes.

The nominees’ appointments are subject to approval by the Kenyan Parliament. If confirmed, these positions could significantly influence Kenya’s economic and political landscape, particularly as the country faces mounting pressures.

Recent weeks have been tumultuous for Kenya, with widespread protests erupting in response to a proposed tax bill. This bill, which aims to increase the tax burden on a population already grappling with high living costs, has sparked widespread unrest. The demonstrations have resulted in numerous fatalities and led to the dismissal of several Cabinet members, intensifying calls for President Ruto’s resignation.

For more detailed coverage on Kenya’s political developments and the implications of these cabinet appointments, visit The East African and BBC News Africa.