President Uhuru Kenyatta has slammed leaders whom he described as arrogant and is hell bent to polarize the country in their pursuit to clinch to power.

While speaking during the first memorial service of the late retired President Daniel Arap Moi, President Kenyatta who has since taken issue with the dynasty vs. hustler narrative decried that the arrogance being displayed by some leaders saying the trend is worrying.

“The arrogance that we see in today’s leadership raises many questions as to the future of this country,” he said even as he pleaded with the political class to exercise tolerance for a better and united Kenya.

The Head of State urged leaders who are seeking power to do so with respect and humility to avoid antagonizing Kenyans.

“Whether you insult or become abusive to your opponent even if you are angry, that will not help. It is through respect and humility that God will favour you and assist you to achieve your ambitions,” he said.

President Kenyatta reminded those who are keen to succeed him to exercise patience and be mindful of others.

“We need a united Kenya and those seeking to succeed me should do so in a respectful manner,” he said.

He reminded Kenyans of how the late Mzee Moi patiently waited for his moment and served the country’s first President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta as Vice President for 11 years between 1967 and 1978.

President Kenyatta cautioned Kenyans to be alert and detest the hustlers versus dynasties debate that he noted risks plunging the country into chaos.

The ongoing debate has put Deputy President William Ruto on a warpath with leaders loyal to President Kenyatta who have accused the country’s second in command of inciting the rich against the poor, accusations Ruto has repeatedly denied.

“Let us be on the lookout that we do not give power to a demolition squad that will erode the gains that have made us a country since independence,” he said.

DP Ruto has remained unbowed insisting that his hustler movement campaign is about empowering small business in a bottom-up approach as opposed to a top-down model which he says has increased inequity in the country.

With the 2022 General Election just 18 months away, DP Ruto has been traversing the country selling his agenda in a full-blown campaign that he hopes will catapult him to the presidency.

Ruto recently distanced himself from assertions President Kenyatta or his community owes him a political debt signaling his intent to seek the presidency without President Kenyatta’s support who in the run-up to the 2017 elections had pledged to lead his deputy’s 2022 campaign.