Kanye West often makes waves on Twitter, and he has done so again today. One of his latest posts has resulted in Kanye becoming one of the top trending topics on Twitter in the US on Friday afternoon; As of press time, he was in the No. 2 spot.

The tweet in question features a photo of a presidential ballot with Kanye’s name handwritten as a write-in candidate. Furthermore, it would appear the ballot pictured is a California one, since Kanye is officially listed as a vice presidential candidate to American Independent candidate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Guerra, as was reported recently. Kanye captioned the post, “Friends writing me in.”
Twitter’s description of Kanye as a trending topic reads, “Kanye West sparks reactions by sharing a ballot appearing to show him as a write-in presidential candidate.” Indeed, there are plenty of reactions.

One user invoked the theory that Kanye’s candidacy is designed to help Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, writing, “If you vote for Kanye West, you are falling for Donald Trump’s latest scam. Vote for Joe Biden! Who’s with me?” Meanwhile, Maine Senate candidate Lisa Savage offered a potential solution for people’s concerns about Kanye’s impact on the election: “To all the people worrying about how people voting for Kanye West could split the vote: pass #RankedChoiceVoting in your state, and you won’t have to worry about ‘vote-splitting’ or ‘spoilers’ anymore. We did it in Maine, and it works. We can fix this broken voting system.”