SOME Nigerians residing in the United Kingdom, on Saturday, staged a protest to express their solidarity with the ongoing June 12 protest in Nigeria.

The protesters could be seen as they converged at the National Gallery in London.

Akintunde Babatunde, who shared some of the footage from the venue of the protest, commended the professionalism of the police whom he said were decent and were guiding them, unlike their Nigerian counterparts.

He said that the protesters were using the occasion to call the attention of the world to the terrible situation of governance in Nigeria.

“We are currently protesting in London and there’s no violence from police officers. They’re decent and guide us well without shooting or tear gas. This is what I want for my country,” he said.

“We’re sending a strong message to the world about the terrible situation in our dear country.”

Other protesters carried placards that boldly read: “SAY NO GOVERNMENT FUNDED TERRORISM”; “WE DEMAND JUSTICE, GOD IS GOD ALL THE TIME.” Some were also seen waving ‘Biafran’ and ‘Oduduwa nation’ flags.