The Jazzy Golfer noticed a post from PGA Memes on Instagram that she found offensive, so much so that she replied with her opinion that comparing men having a tantrum on a golf course to a woman enduring her period was not remotely funny.

What followed was a torrent of “sexist, misogynistic & derogatory” abuse that prompted Jazzy to publish a video on her social media platforms in which she spoke out about the manner, and the scale of the abuse.

The original post on the PGA Memes account, which has 682,000 followers, has since been deleted, but the account holder did pin Jazzy’s response to the top of their post which caused the volume of abuse to escalate to alarming levels, with echoes of the recent experience of former England footballer Karen Carney.

“Some responses started to come in, but I wasn’t really that bothered,” Jazzy told Sky Sports Golf. “But then the PGA Memes account pinned my comment on their Instagram post, so if anyone visited that particular post, my comment was visible first.

“That invited a mass pile-on of abuse, and it seemed similar to what happened with Karen Carney on Twitter recently, when she was targeted by Leeds fans after she was singled out and ended up deleting her account to avoid any more trauma.

“I felt I was being called out for having an opinion they didn’t agree with, and the situation escalated. PGA Memes has close to 700,000 followers on Instagram, and lots of abuse came my way. I don’t mind people disagreeing with me, that’s fine. But some of the comments I was getting were absolutely vile and this was all because I disagreed with a meme.

“Quite simply, there was a post I didn’t find funny, so I commented on it. The line between comedy and offence is very flexible and varies from person to person. I totally respect that, and if people want to disagree with me, that’s fine.

“But what isn’t fine is to spout violent, derogatory, sexist, sexually violent messages at a woman online, simply because you disagree with her opinion. Some of them had clearly created accounts purely to send me vile and abusive memories, so there were no repercussions or accountability.”

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Jazzy has been heartened by the volume of support and positive feedback she has received since publishing her video, with Cheyenne Woods (Tiger’s niece) leading the chorus of thanks for a job well done.