Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News
4 minutes read. Updated 2:42PM GMT Fri, 23August, 2024

In a dramatic escalation of hostilities, a heavy exchange of shelling erupted on Thursday, August 22, 2024, between Israel and Hezbollah across the Lebanese-Israeli border. This new round of intense conflict has heightened tensions in the region, already strained by ongoing battles between Israel and Hamas.
On the Lebanese side of the border, thick plumes of smoke were visible as the town of Khiam came under severe Israeli bombardment. The assault on Khiam, located in southern Lebanon, was part of Israel’s broader military strategy targeting areas it believes are linked to Hezbollah’s operations.
In retaliation, Hezbollah launched a counteroffensive, targeting the Israeli border town of Metula. The group’s fighters used a range of weaponry to strike buildings believed to be used by Israeli soldiers. Hezbollah’s statement emphasized their response to what they termed as “the Israeli enemy’s attacks on steadfast southern villages and safe homes.” The statement detailed that Hezbollah targeted military installations in Metula, aiming to cause significant damage to Israeli defense structures.
The recent flare-up in violence is part of an ongoing series of exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah, which have intensified over the past ten months. This period of increased conflict follows Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas, a Palestinian militant group with strong ties to Hezbollah.
The current exchange of fire has resulted in substantial casualties on both sides. In Lebanon, more than 500 people have been killed, including around 100 civilians and non-combatants. On the Israeli side, the death toll includes 23 soldiers and 26 civilians. The conflict has exacerbated the already volatile situation in the region, impacting thousands of civilians and contributing to a growing humanitarian crisis.
For further details, you can visit:
Hezbollah’s Statement on Metula Attack
Israeli Response to Khiam Bombardment
Background on Israel-Hamas Conflict
Humanitarian Impact of the Border Conflict
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