A reader gets in touch to tell us about a nightmare golfer who he caught cheating during a club competition.

The Golf Magic inbox recently received another story from one of our readers and this is one we couldn’t wait to share, about someone breaking the rules of golf and when confronted about it, simply denying it even happened.

Golf is a sport about trust. When playing the sport, we trust that one another will be honest in their actions and the majority of people who play golf tend to stick by this.

Unfortunately, there are some who think they can break the rules to benefit themselves and find it perfectly acceptable.

Sometimes, people might not even know they’re breaking the rules as they might be new to the game or it was a rather complex ruling that’s caught them out.

We recently posted a story about a man who was pretty new to the game and in his first competition, his playing partner reported him to the pro shop for using a piece of string to check wind direction (he had no idea it wasn’t allowed).

If someone is relatively new to the sport, it’s completely understandable that one or two rules might confuse them, but for those who know exactly what they are doing, it’s unacceptable and even worse when it’s done in a competition.

Our latest story, from one of our American readers Sam who got in touch with us on social media, couldn’t believe his eyes during a tournament at his local golf club.

“I got paired with someone who had already been involved in a few alterations due to his on-course actions,” said Sam.

“From the very first tee I just had a feeling I needed to keep an eye on him, as he has a record of doing pretty well in tournaments but the talk amongst the other members about him isn’t too good.

“On the 2nd hole his ball went into the deep rough and he told me he had found it but was just checking it was his ball, but I was too far away from him to see what he was up to.

“As he hits his shot, I see a tee fly out of the ground as his ball comes cleanly out of the rough. I knew exactly what he had done but I didn’t see him place it and on the off chance that it was a coincidence, I didn’t say anything.