By Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

4 minutes read. Updated 12:00AM GMT Tues, June 11, 2024

The Spring Meeting of the Paris Peace Forum convened at the Mohamed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir, Morocco, signaling a significant shift towards recognizing Africa’s crucial role in shaping global solutions.

Hicham El Habti, President of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), emphasized the borderless nature of technology, stressing the need for innovation to address local realities while serving global needs. The forum centered on the imperative of fair transitions, aiming to strike a balance between environmental preservation and addressing the energy deficit.

Nisreen Elsaim, former Chair of the UN Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change, emphasized the urgency of addressing inequality in transition efforts. With only 40% of Africa’s population having access to electricity, she underscored the necessity of ensuring equitable access to essential services for all.

Amadou Hott, Special Envoy of the President of the African Development Bank, highlighted the necessity of collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors to finance energy transitions across Africa. He stressed the pivotal role of private sector investment alongside government initiatives in driving sustainable development.

The forum culminated in the launch of ATLAS (Agricultural Transitions Lab for African Solutions), a platform fostering political dialogue and collaboration between Northern and Southern countries. Additionally, the establishment of the Global Council for Responsible Transition Minerals aimed to promote responsible mineral sourcing practices.

With high-level experts and leaders from across the globe in attendance, the Paris Peace Forum underscored the importance of international cooperation in achieving equitable and sustainable transitions to address pressing global challenges.