The family of George Floyd have celebrated Joe Biden’s victory believing his win has given America a renewed sense of hope that racial injustice will be defeated.

His sister LaTonya Floyd spoke of her joy following Donald Trump’s eviction from the White House saying it has prevented “a civil war based on his rhetoric and hateful division”.

She said she and African Americans throughout the United States “breathed a huge sigh of relief” following Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris’ election win.

Speaking to the Mirror, the 52-year-old said: “Joe’s victory comes as a huge relief. After he won, the strongest message he has given is that it is now time to heal what has become a deeply divided country.

“Joe is about unity and bringing people together, whether they voted for him or not, he will fight as hard for everyone – something Trump failed to do.

“Above all, he is a decent man. He wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he wasn’t given anything by his father.

“He worked hard precisely for what he has and what he wants to have, not just for himself but for us all.

“To me, he really is a representative of the everyday person and really wants to make sure that we are heard.

“Most of all, I know he won’t allow my brother’s death to be in vain.

“I hope he, along with Kamala, bring an end to racial inequality that we have seen grow only deeper in the last four years.

“Change is coming.”

LaTonya, one of only two full blood siblings to George, also went beyond the shameful killing of her brother, who was killed during an arrest in Minneapolis in May.

Ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was filmed kneeling on the handcuffed 46-year-old father’s neck with his knee for almost nine minutes as he pleaded for his life.

He died from a cardiac arrest as the blood supply to his brain was cut off.

Chauvin, 44, has been charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Following Floyd’s death, protests were held globally against the use of excessive force by police officers against black suspects and lack of police accountability.

America’s growing racial divide under Trump’s presidency became one of the major issues in last week’s election.

LaTonya said she also felt that America’s poor and low-income families would benefit from Biden’s win and not the billionaire’s Trump has looked after.

She added: “Joe will build one of the best economies in the last two decades and he knows exactly what needs to be done to achieve that goal.

“We need his guidance in order to come back to the successful America we once were and that we can be again.

“Four more years of Trump and the economy was going to continue to plummet such was his handling of the Coronavirus. America is seeing records daily numbers now.

“We should be handling Covid much better.

“Trump inherited a very good economy from the Obama administration.

“He’s not going to be able to rebuild the economy in that same way after the Coronavirus pandemic.

“They would have continued to be an influx of death because of the carefree way he portrayed the disease.

“What is most comforting, is that Joe has promised to make sure those in poverty, those who need it most, get the help they deserve. No longer will there be forgotten millions.

“He has the experience track record and ethics to make sure the government still works for the people by the people that represent the people.

“Hopefully people, particularly African Americans and Asians will achieve the trust in the government we should all have. Working for the people not for the president and his people.”