Gary Owen and Kenya Duke split in March after 18 years of marriage. Duke has made no public statements, until now.

On June 6, Duke reposted a photo Owen posted on his Instagram with him wearing a shirt that read “breadwinner.” Duke called the post “passive aggressive.”

Duke wrote in the caption of the post, “I have never gone to the media. The media goes looking for the paperwork. I have allowed you to tell your family, friends, and fans any false narrative that you want or need it to be about us, the relationship and our kids. Because I DON’T care or feel a need to defend or explain myself You and I know what it really is!”

She continued, “But when you go and make these dumb passive aggressive posts in these insensitive ass t-shirts, I am triggered and you now have my attention. You haven’t supported us since April 1st. Nothing, nada, zero not electric, water, gas, not insurance (medical, dental, life, car, house, etc.), not groceries, not maintenance for the house, not the gas or maintenance of the cars, not the platinum card I got for us (because you wanted one) and you couldn’t get one (on your own), not the cell phone you had for 23 years; instead you just got another phone number and didn’t pay the bill.”

Duke accused him of not seeing his daughter in six and a half months and his son in over 4 months, she added, “You are not a good guy, so cut it out and get a shirt that says DEADbEAT. I will let you get back to living your best life…lying, clout chasing, side chicks, and looking for a Black celebrity friend group.”

Back in May, court docs obtained by TMZ stated Duke was asking for $44,000 a month because “it’s the amount Gary would normally deposit in her account to pay credit cards and finance her personal spending.”

Duke also claims she didn’t pursue her own career to support Owen who is known for his stand-up comedy and films like Ride Along, Think Like A Man and Daddy Day Care.

TMZ also reports that Duke alleges their monthly income is between $200,000 and $400,000 and “never dipped below $100k, even during the pandemic.”

Additionally she alleged “it’s not uncommon” for Owen to have $300,000 to $600,000 uncashed checks from his stand-up shows.

According to TMZ, Duke filed divorce documents on Friday (March 19) in Los Angeles County Supreme Court. There’s no clear indication of why the 46-year-old filed for divorce from Owen, 46. The couple has three adult children.