The couple feels it is important to allow their daughter, Kaavia, two,and Dwyane’s kids, Xavier, seven, Zaya, 13, and Zaire, 19 – who he has from previous relationships – to be themselves 100 per cent.

He said: “My focus when it comes to any of my kids is to let them know who they are so that when other people’s opinions about them are formed, it’s not hitting them.

“If we allow our kids to be their true selves, we don’t have to worry about them conforming to anything or anyone. Why wouldn’t we push our kids to be their authentic selves?”

And Gabrielle wants their children to know they are “worthy” just because they exist, rather than for any special reason or talent, as she admits she was “raised to conform”.

“I was raised to assimilate. I was raised to conform. But we are raising our kids to know they are worthy because they exist. We don’t want them to ever shape shift for anyone else’s approval or acceptance. We want them to be free to be who they are.” She added.

Meanwhile, Gabrielle previously insisted she wants her stepdaughter Zaya to feel “peace”.

She said: “Zaya’s peace is non-negotiable. As Zaya gathered more language, she was able to tell us about her identity. She was able to tell us about her sexuality … She was able to tell us, ‘I’m trans’.’ She says, ‘I’ve come out a few times. I came out to my teacher in third grade. And then, when you guys posted that picture of me in Chicago at my birthday party.'”