The Progressive Health Forum is called for Chief Justice Mogoeng to vacate his position. This is in response to the top judicial figure’s comments on the Covid-19 vaccine which drew him into the spotlight recently. 

Dr Aslama Dasoo, the association’s founder, says that Mogoeng took his views on the subject too far:

ENCA reports that Dasoo continued to say that Mogoeng breached both professionalism and ethics with his prayer: “This is an issue of professionalism and ethics and I think he has breached both in this regard.”

Earlier, SA media reported that Chief Justice Mogoeng had come out in firm defence of his controversial prayer concerning Covid-19 vaccines from the ‘devil’. Mogoeng had been hosting a briefing on the 2019/2020 Judiciary Annual Report but had faced a wave of questions relating to the controversy. Mogoeng had irritably pointed out that he doesn’t follow trends on social media, commenting to clarify that: “I said, if there is any vaccine manufactured to advance a satanic agenda, of the mark of the beast, 666, or if there is any vaccine manufactured for the purpose of corrupting the DNA of people, that vaccine must be burnt. God must intervene and destroy it

In response to negative views on his prayers, Mogoeng reacted with the following comment: “If people are supporting a satanic agenda, they must tell us why. If they want us to have the 666 mark, they must tell us why.” Mogoeng defended his beliefs, describing himself as an independent who didn’t need affirmation to express his views: “Prayer is controversial in South Africa. I’m not going to be begging for permission to pray, never. It’s my constitutional right, I’m a Christian and I’m not going to be hypocritical.