The family of TikTok star Matima “Swavy” Miller, who died of a fatal gunshot wound last week in Wilmington, Delaware, hit back at daytime talk show host Wendy Williams on Saturday for what they perceived as negative comments about his life, and untimely death.

“Y’all, like as a mother, Wendy Williams, how dare you? So disrespectful,” Sway’s mother Chanelle Clark, tells CBS 3 Philly. “I used to watch you as a child and even though you have a gossip show and all that, you didn’t even know my son.”

The grieving mother is responding to a July 7 episode of Williams’ hot topics segment, when the host proclaimed about Sway’s death, “I have no idea who this is. Neither does Norman. Neither does one person in this building.”

Williams pointed out he had more social media followers than her then continued, “So here he is, he’s 19 and he was murdered Monday morning.”

Rahkim Clark, Miller’s brother, said he was also hurt by the remarks.

“He was a star. He is a star. We always knew he was a star. He was bigger than life,” Rahkim said. “With nearly 3 million followers on TikTok, social media users knew Swavy for his dance moves, skits and sense of style,” writes the news outlet.

“He was very outgoing, so courageous. He had no fear like he would go anywhere and just bust in rhythm,” the brother said in the interview.

Miller was shot by an unidentified gunman Monday morning in Wilmington, DE before his mother watched him pass away, according to the report. Williams covered the news in an edition of The Wrap days later, commenting on the TikTok user’s number of followers compared to her and insisting the crowd clap if they know who he is.

A 19 year old Black man, Matima Miller, better known as ‘Swavy’ by millions of social media followers, was murdered and @WendyWilliams thought it was ok to make fun of him.

Wendy, may you reap everything that you have sown.

— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) July 9, 2021

“I’m mentally going through it because I see it. I see my son shot down in the street like that,” Sway’s mother tells the television news outlet. “Y’all don’t know what I’m going through.”

Williams has not responded to the public or the Millers since Williams made the comments. Police are still investigating the incident.