Prince Harry has finally settled his legal battle with British tabloids the Mail.

As per a statement by his attorney Jenny Afia, the Duke of Sussex wrapped up his libel lawsuit against the publishers of the paper over falsely claiming that he “turned his back on the Royal Marines.”

Afia told court: “Each article reported that The Duke of Sussex had turned his back on the Royal Marines, had snubbed the British Armed Forces and ignored correspondence from Lord Dannatt, a former Chief of the General Staff.”

“All of these allegations are false, as the Mail and the MailOnline have now accepted, albeit after considerable damage was already done,” added the attorney.

According to her, the publisher was “immediately put on notice of the falsity and egregious nature of its allegations.”

Prince Harry has accepted the settlement offer which includes an apology, as per Afia, “despite his view that the content and prominence of the proposed apology would not be commensurate with the original story and subsequent harm caused so as not to unnecessarily protract the litigation.”