Divorce is messy but it’s always worse when the court of public opinion is involved. Dr. Dre and his estranged wife Nicole Young have been duking it out in court ever since she filed for divorce. She’s accused him of domestic abuse, claiming there was no pre-nup signed and is apparently asking for $2M in spousal support. The latest claim is that Dr. Dre has been hiding his assets ahead of going to court but apparently, she’s now at the receiving ends of financial crime allegations.
According to TMZ, Record One, a record company founded by Dr. Dre and Larry Chatman, where Young served as a trustee and a signatory on the primary business account, is now accusing Nicole of criminal embezzlement. A lawyer for the company, Ed McPherson, claims that she “decimated” the company’s account after writing herself a check of $353,571.85. McPherson sent a copy of the check Nicole signed of on, accusing her of “blatant and unjustifiable criminal embezzlement of corporate funds.”
Dre and his business partner want the money that was taken out of the account returned by Tuesday or else they’ll be taking her to court.
“This is just a low-grade PR stunt by Andre and his team to try to change the fact that he was caught red-handed and sued for trying to cheat Nicole out of community property to which she is entitled,” Bryan Freedman, attorney for Young, said. “There is no question that Nicole had both the contractual and the legal right to have taken this action and Andre’s team is well aware of this fact. Any suggestion she did something untoward is preposterous and pathetic.”
We’ll keep you posted on any updates.