A spot of gentle brotherly ribbing to lighten up your day, as WWE’s Dolph Ziggler hits twitter to roast sibling Ryan Nemeth for losing to PAC on last night’s Dynamite.

Nemeth offered only a few fleeting spurts of offense against ‘The Bastard’, who beat ‘The Hollywood Hunk’ in an extended squash match, putting him away with the Brutalizer submission after nailing the Black Arrow. That isn’t what spurred Ziggler’s trolling, though.

It was the wacky facial expression Nemeth pulled while stuck in the brutal holdNemeth, 35, arrived in AEW for the 21 January episode of Dynamite, on which he lost to Hangman Page. He was originally scheduled to work a Dark match prior to this but the contest was pulled from the broadcast without explanation. He defeated Marko Stunt on this week’s Dark before falling to PAC last night.

There’s currently no word on whether or not Nemeth is signed to AEW, though these have been his first documented wrestling matches since September 2018.