Cybersecurity is not a game of choice – it is the new normal. As cyber-attacks increase and new Cybersecurity trends continue to emerge, organizations and individuals must take a proactive IT security stance to keep their operations safe, says Experts.

According to the Business & Strategic Manager, Mr. Dipo Ajayi, the free training program is a prerequisite designed to equip learners with 21st century Cybersecurity and Digital Analytics skills that will help them advance their careers and skills in the protection of digital assets and also equip them with Data Analytics skills.

The training which is free for everyone would be hosted by experts in the field through an online platform ZOOM. Cyber Security meets with Business Analytics is the theme of the training. To impactfully enlighten people on Cybersecurity and Business Analytics, the webinar is targeted at anyone who is;

 Considering a Career in Cybersecurity

 Considering a Career in Data Analytics

 Need Some Guidance on Career Choice in Tech

 Want basic training in Data Analytics to improve current work skills

 Young people within the ages of 18 – 35

 Parents who have children who have completed secondary schools

 Youths waiting for admission & undergraduates

The webinar will be held on the following dates:

Saturday 23rd October

 Business Analytics – 11 am for 1.45 hrs

 Cybersecurity – 3pm for 1.45 hrs

The company would also provide a PDF of the Training for all participants after the training to simplify and enhance the overall learning experience as well as a Certificate of attendance.

Click the link below to secure a space for the training;