The international vaccine supply chain has been targeted by cyber-espionage, according to IBM.

The company says it tracked a campaign aimed at the delivery “cold chain” used to keep vaccines at the right temperature during transportation.

The attackers’ identity is unclear – but IBM said the sophistication of their methods indicated a nation state.

It follows warnings from governments – including the UK’s – of countries targeting aspects of vaccine research.

IBM says the wider targeting included:

– The European Commission’s Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union

– Companies involved in manufacturing solar panels, which can be used to keep vaccines cold in places where reliable power is not available

– A South Korean software-development company

– A German website-development company, which supports clients associated with pharmaceutical manufacturers, container transport, biotechnology and manufacturers of electrical components for communications

IBM says the campaign was uncovered by a security team it set up at the start of the pandemic to track down Covid-19 cyber-threats.

“The precision targeting and nature of the specific targeted organisations potentially point to nation-state activity,” the US company said.

“Without a clear path to a [pay] out, cyber-criminals are unlikely to devote the time and resources required to execute such a calculated operation.”