Twenty years ago, during the 2003 edition, the Alphonse Massamba-Débat stadium was chosen as the venue for the largest stage of the Pan-African Music Festival (Fespam). Due to economic crises and the Coronavirus, the Congo has not hosted the festival since 2015.

However, this year, Fespam is making a comeback, much to the delight of talented artists and music lovers. Performers such as Ferré Gola from the Democratic Republic of Congo, rumba champions Roga-Roga from Congo-Brazzaville, and Malian Sidiki Diabaté are among the lineup. Gospel choirs are also participating in the festival, expressing their excitement at Fespam’s return, likening it to a beloved mother coming back to embrace her children.

The event includes a symposium and exhibition of traditional musical instruments at the Palais du Parlement in Brazzaville, showcasing instruments from various African countries. Fespam shows will run until July 22, with entertainment sites set up in different neighborhoods, including Mayanga, celebrating rumba and Gospel music.