The charity helps to brighten the lives of seriously ill children across the UK by granting their wishes and providing ongoing support.

It has launched a stunning virtual children’s art gallery displaying bespoke artwork created by youngsters who are all living with a serious or life-limiting illness.

They include George, aged eight from Melksham, and Anna, aged 10 from Malmesbury.

George suffers from Crohns Disease, which results in him needing regular hospital visits for infusions and daily medications. His artwork, Fun Time George, is inspired by the things he enjoys the most.

Anna suffers from Osteosarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer that has resulted in her enduring chemotherapy treatment and surgery. Anna’s artwork, living the life, is inspired by all her favourite things.

Their wishes are on hold because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Created alongside Moyosa Media, award winners in digital technology, the gallery aims to celebrate the magical bond between Rays of Sunshine and its beneficiaries, in addition to recognising the charity’s patrons and supporters.

Each child has depicted their own interpretation of the theme ‘sunshine, happiness and laughter’ and many of the pieces of art were created during group creative workshops with Rays of Sunshine.

Lindsey Bennister, chief executive officer of Rays of Sunshine, said: “We’re really excited to be launching the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Art Gallery filled with wonderful artwork by our beneficiaries.

“Every piece on display was created by a child living with a serious or life-limiting illness and the result is a collection of art as unique and inspiring as the children themselves.

“During the pandemic, Rays of Sunshine has been committed to continuing to support families across the UK, and provide joy and hope, and this gallery is no exception.

“Bringing together the children and families via virtual art sessions has resulted in some incredible pieces of art, which we are very proud to display.

“We’re incredibly grateful and thankful to everyone who made this possible, including our generous sponsors, Moyosa Media and, of course, all our very talented artists.”