American artist Cardi B has excited Kenyans on Twitter after sharing an old video of Kenya’s former President Mwai Kibaki declaring in an infamous 2009 video that he only had one wife.

Mr Kibaki, the country’s third leader, was at the time under pressure after reports about a second wife circulated.

His wife, Lucy Kibaki, was standing next to her husband as he dismissed reports of polygamy. She asked the media to seek clarification saying that they had published lies.

It is not clear why she decided to repost the archive footage but Cardi B’s tweet on Monday night was captioned with an emoji;

It attracted thousands of comments from Kenyans on Twitter, helping those who didn’t understand with context and adding a bit of levity.

“Good old’days, the economy was top. Only dramas were domestic at the big house,” radio presenter Shaffie Weru tweeted.