Bobi Wine’s legal team fulfilled all the requirements of Section 61 of the Presidential Elections Act, by having one of them swear an affidavit in support of the voluntary withdrawal of the petition.

The affidavit was made by Mr.  Nkasha Ssekajja assisted by Lukwago & Co. Advocates. The same was filed on Wednesday evening. ‘I am one of the applicant’s lawyers in this matter, well conversant with the facts and issues relating to this application and the petition from which it arises and depose this affidavit in that capacity,’’ Mr Ssekajja states.

‘‘I, together with other lawyers on the team representing the applicant (Mr Kyagulanyi), have interviewed him and confirmed that his decision to withdrawal the petition has not been influenced by any corrupt bargain or consideration from the respondents (Mr Museveni, EC and AG) or any other person,» he adds.

Counsel Ssekajja explained that their client instructed them to file additional evidence to bolster his case but the court rejected it, forcing him to withdraw his petition. ‘Owing to the foregoing, the applicant (Mr Kyagulanyi) found it inadvisable to proceed with the petition without the evidence that was disallowed by court and therefore, instructed us to withdraw the petition, hence the instant application,’’ Ssekajja avers.

With the filing of this affidavit by one of Mr Kyagulanyi’s lawyers, the remaining issue is for the court to gazette the withdrawal notice in the government gazette. The Chief Justice explained that withdrawing a presidential election petition is not done casually like other elections, it has to be gazette first.

He said once that is done, the parties will be summoned at a shortest notice possible most likely early next week to hear out the application for withdrawal. President Museveni’s legal team has filed a reply to Mr Kyagulanyi’s application seeking leave to withdraw the petition.