Another Black Panther 2 petition is making the rounds. The new document revolves around a rather insistent request for T’Challa to remain as a part of the MCU. Despite Marvel saying they would not recast the character, that hasn’t stopped E-Man’s Movie Reviews from launching a petition on that calls for T’Challa to be played by a new actor. The petition suggests that (eventually) recasting the character is a way to honour Boseman’s legacy. It also claims that continuing T’Challa’s involvement in the MCU is paramount to satisfying scores of fans.

“The #1 way to kill a legend is to stop telling their story” claims the petition that is nearing 50,000 signatures at the time that this article goes live.

You can read a section of the petition below:

This is a call for the President of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige, Co-President Louis D’Esposito, and Writer/Director Ryan Coogler to reconsider their decision, and recast the role of “T’Challa” in the Black Panther franchise. If Marvel Studios removes T’Challa, it would be at the expense of the audiences (especially Black boys and men) who saw themselves in him. That also includes the millions of fans who were inspired by the character as well.

By not recasting, it could stifle the opportunity for one of the most popular, leading Black superheroes to add on to their legacy. The #1 way to kill a legend is to stop telling their story.

#RecastTChalla is not a call to replace Chadwick Boseman. (No one could ever do that.) It is not asking for an immediate replacement either. Nor is this calling for the prevention of other characters to take up the mantle of Black Panther like Shuri or anyone else. This petition is merely asking to continue the portrayal of T’Challa in the MCU. #RecastTChalla is a call to fulfil the role that Chadwick Boseman worked so hard for the world to see.

While Marvel has remained firm on not featuring T’Challa in upcoming projects, they could end up recasting the character sometime down the road. It’s happened before. If you need an example, just look at how Mark Ruffalo replaced Edward Norton as the Incredible Hulk. That being said, Ruffalo simply stepped into the role, whereas Boseman has passed away. Some could see Marvel replacing Boseman as disrespectful, given the circumstances. Regardless of how Marvel chooses to handle the situation, they’re bound to upset somebody.

For the moment, we’ve no idea how Black Panther: Wakanda Forever plans to address Boseman’s absence from the film. It’s also a fact that a decent chunk of the movie has already been captured on camera. This is to say that any major changes to the plot would result in more delays, reshoots, and a riot within the writers’ room, most likely. I would not be surprised if Marvel continues on with Black Panther: Wakanda Forever as planned, but then reconsiders their position on recasting T’Challa sometime down the line.