By Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

2 minutes read. Updated 5:00PM GMT Thurs, June 13, 2024

The Agniveer program, launched two years ago, has reduced the employment period for three-quarters of new recruits to just four years. Additionally, the government lowered the upper eligibility age from 23 to 21 years, causing widespread frustration among aspiring soldiers. Neer, a resident of Delhi with roots in Uttarakhand, expressed his disappointment: “All these changes are disappointing. Our chances are looking remote now.”

Key Allies Demand Review

The Janata Dal United (JD-U), a crucial ally in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s coalition, is leading the call for a review of the Agniveer program. JD-U spokesman K.C. Tyagi stated, “Our party wants those shortcomings questioned by the public to be discussed in detail and removed.” The opposition Congress Party also demands the program’s abolition and a return to traditional recruitment methods.

Manpower Shortage Concerns

Ashok Mehta, a retired Major General in the Indian army, highlighted the program’s shortcomings: “There is a serious manpower shortage. The total intake through the Agniveer program is about 40,000, of which only a quarter will be retained in long-term service.” Mehta estimates a shortfall of 180,000 soldiers, exacerbated by three years of pandemic-induced recruitment freezes and annual retirements of 60,000-70,000 personnel.

Diplomatic Strain with Nepal

The Agniveer scheme’s introduction has also strained diplomatic relations with Nepal, which has traditionally supplied Gurkha soldiers to the Indian army. The reduction in Gurkha recruitment has led to a shrinking of this storied brigade, adding another layer of complexity to the issue.

Potential Adjustments

Despite these challenges, the Indian government remains committed to the program. Analysts suggest potential adjustments, such as increasing the service period to five years and retaining a higher percentage of recruits for long-term service. However, concerns persist about the program’s impact on army efficiency and combat readiness.

Defense analyst Sanjay Soi remarked, “The Agniveer program needs a review because it is not meeting the aspirations of youth. A job in the armed forces provides job security with a lot of respect.” The debate continues, with many calling for a balance between modernizing the armed forces and ensuring job security and satisfaction for recruits.

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