Actor Jonathan Majors is suspected of using an anabolic steroid during his alleged assault on his girlfriend. reports that the actor was accused of taking a dangerous steroid while filming “Creed III” following his arrest over the weekend for domestic violence.

His outburst during an argument with the woman he was dating is thought to have been caused by the drug.

“While he was filming “Creed III,” he was taking steroids. A source who allegedly worked with the 33-year-old hunk on the movie’s set told Media Take Out, “I can’t say what he was taking, but people on staff were saying that he was on tren.”

Tren, or trenbolone acetate, is a well-known synthetic anabolic steroid that, according to the outlet, is three to five times more potent than testosterone.

The FDA doesn’t permit its utilization on people and utilizing on cattle is just accessible.

However, athletes are illegally using it to increase muscle mass and strength. It is regarded as a steroid with a high risk and high reward.

The drug has a lot of very scary side effects when used. Tren can cause severe emotional instability and even psychosis in addition to harming the male reproductive system.

Theory recently emerged that Jonathan utilized steroids after he put on weight in year and a half for his “Doctrine III” job.

One person wrote on Twitter last year, “I am beginning to suspect that Jonathan Majors may be using anabolic steroids.” “Jonathan Majors did a wheelbarrow full of steroids for Creed III,” chimed in another.

The actor, on the other hand, has said that the intense training and diet he followed led to his body transformation. He uncovered that he consumed an incredible 6,100 calories each day, which is comparable to six full feasts.

The Wasp and the Ant-Man: The star of Quantumania stated that he gave his training his all and took his role as Killian Maddox very seriously. He worked out hard, doing two sessions each day that lasted two hours each, and he even added a third session after filming.

Following an alleged domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Jonathan was taken into custody on Saturday morning, March 25. Before putting his hands around her neck and causing visible injuries, he is being accused of slapping his partner when she tried to view the messages. “A laceration behind her ear, redness, and marks to her face” were among them.

He has been charged with aggravated harassment, attempted assault, and two counts of third-degree assault. His representative, on the other hand, has emphasized that “he has done nothing wrong” and that “we look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up.”