A book that discusses the life of Zimbabwe’s former President Robert Mugabe, published by the Richard Mahomva led Leader for Africa Network (LAN) is set to be launched virtually by the SAPES Trust.

The book will be titled ‘ Remembering Robert Mugabe- Politics, Legacy and Death’.

It is centred on giving an academic and a comprehensive apolitical reflection on the life and times of the late Former President.

It is apolitical in the sense that it is divorced from political praises of the Mugabe legacy.

It attempts to speak truth to power in a way that addresses the good and bad sides of Mugabe’s leadership.

Speaking to 263Chat on the launch, the lead researcher of the project and renowned scholar Richard Mahomva said the book is a must read for those that want to learn about Mugabe.

“The book gives a multidimensional analysis of Mugabe’s politics, philosophy and legacy outside the common dictator and people’s darling binaris. Therefore, this book is the truth about Mugabe by academics,” he said.

Mahomva indicated that unlike other books about the late Zimbabwean founding father, this piece of literature is set to generate ideological discussions around Mugabe.

“The purpose of this promotion transcends the political personality of Zimbabwe’s Former President. The book is an invitation to scholars to generate an Afrocentric interrogation of politicians’ interaction with power. Fortunately or unfortunately, Mugabe became our stepping stone to this effect,” he added.

Mahomva added that the book will seek to “understand the successes and challenges of Zimbabwe’s political- economy one must understand the political tenure, success and failures of Robert Mugabe. The continuities and discontinuities thereof warrant a continued study of Zimbabwe’s political power matrix.This means that LAN Readers’ next book will be focusing on President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa”

The book launch will be live on SAPES Trust Facebook pages at 5pm, this Thursday.