Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

7 minutes read. Updated 7:33AM GMT Tues, 27August, 2024

In the case of Tim Walz and Kristi Noem it is safe to say relationships can change as swiftly as the seasons. This is particularly evident in the once amicable rapport between Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, both former members of Congress who now find themselves on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

From Colleagues to Combatants

A decade ago, Walz and Noem were congenial colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives. They worked closely together on several bipartisan initiatives, most notably the Protect Our Prairies Act of 2013, which sought to protect rural lands from over-farming. Their collaboration was marked by mutual respect and shared interests in agricultural and rural policy, a reflection of their states’ neighboring geographies and rural communities.

In a video from that time, Walz, then representing Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, spoke warmly about Noem’s commonsense approach to legislation. Noem, at that time South Dakota’s at-large congresswoman, reciprocated, praising Walz’s pragmatic stance on issues close to their hearts. Their relationship was emblematic of a bygone era of bipartisanship, where policy and shared goals took precedence over partisan divides.

A Shift in the Political Winds

Fast forward to today, and the relationship between Walz and Noem has soured significantly. The political climate has grown more polarized, and their paths have diverged. Walz, now the Democratic nominee for Vice President alongside Kamala Harris, has embraced the progressive wing of his party. Noem, meanwhile, has positioned herself as a staunch conservative, aligning closely with former President Donald Trump and his base.

Noem has not hesitated to criticize her former colleague. She has labeled Walz a “radical” and accused him of embracing socialism, particularly in the wake of his selection as Harris’s running mate. Her sharpest barbs came in response to Walz’s handling of the George Floyd protests in 2020, where she accused him of failing to support law enforcement and allowing chaos to reign in Minnesota.

Walz, for his part, has refrained from engaging directly with Noem’s attacks. Instead, his spokesperson emphasized Walz’s continued commitment to bipartisan efforts, highlighting his work with Republicans on key issues such as veteran support and agricultural policy. Despite the icy rhetoric, Walz’s team underscores his ability to compromise without sacrificing core values.

The Legacy of Legislative Collaboration

The collaborative spirit that once defined Walz and Noem’s relationship in Congress is now a distant memory. During their time in the House, they co-sponsored over 150 bills, with each backing initiatives led by the other. Their partnership was not merely one of convenience; it was a reflection of shared values rooted in their rural Midwestern upbringing.

As governors, their political trajectories have diverged starkly. Walz’s tenure has been marked by expansive social programs aimed at improving the lives of Minnesotans, a move that has been met with criticism from conservatives who view it as excessively liberal. In contrast, Noem has doubled down on her conservative credentials, frequently highlighting her resistance to Covid-19 restrictions and her commitment to individual freedoms.

A Frosty Future

The decline of the Walz-Noem relationship is emblematic of the broader polarization that has gripped American politics. What was once a warm working relationship has devolved into a series of public jabs and pointed critiques. The days of shared selfies and bipartisan bill-signings are long gone, replaced by subtweets and sharp exchanges on social media.

As the 2024 election approaches, the contrast between Walz and Noem’s governing philosophies is likely to become even more pronounced. Their once-shared values have given way to starkly different visions for the future of their states and the country. While Noem continues to align herself with the conservative movement, hoping to bolster her standing within the Republican Party, Walz remains focused on advancing the progressive agenda he has championed throughout his political career.