Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

3 minutes read. Updated 5:34PM GMT Tues, 16 July, 2024

Mogadishu, Somalia, witnessed a tragic incident on Sunday (Jul. 14) as a bomb explosion outside a café claimed the lives of at least five people during a tense moment of the European football final between Spain and England.

The explosion, caused by a car rigged with explosives, shattered the evening calm as patrons gathered inside the café to watch the match. Fortunately, those inside escaped physical harm, though the blast inflicted extensive damage on nearby vehicles and properties.

Mohamud Salad, a café staff member, recounted the harrowing ordeal: “We have confirmed five fatalities and twenty others injured. Most casualties were among those outside.” He added, “Thankfully, everyone indoors survived, but the scene outside was chaotic with damaged vehicles and property.”

Confirming the aftermath, Somali police reported injuries to at least 20 individuals. The identity of the perpetrators behind this appalling attack remains unknown at this time.

The incident underscores Somalia’s ongoing security challenges, plagued by frequent attacks attributed to extremist group al-Shabab. The Somali government continues its efforts to combat terrorism, recently escalating operations against such threats.


  1. Somali Police Updates
  2. European Football Association Coverage
  3. Mogadishu Security Reports