By Fiona Nanna, ForeMedia News

4 minutes read. Updated 10:00AM GMT Tues, June 11, 2024

Soldiers are conducting an intensive search in the mountainous forests near Mzuzu, a city in northern Malawi, after a military plane carrying Vice President Saulos Chilima and former First Lady Shanil Dzimbiri went missing on Monday. President Lazarus Chakwera announced the disappearance in a live address on the state TV channel MBC.

The aircraft, which left the capital Lilongwe at 9:17 a.m., was scheduled to land 45 minutes later at Mzuzu International Airport, 370 kilometers (230 miles) to the north. However, due to bad weather and poor visibility, air traffic control instructed the plane to turn around. Shortly after, contact was lost, and the plane vanished from radar.

President Chakwera expressed deep concern, stating, “I know this is a heartbreaking situation. I know we are all frightened and concerned. I too am concerned. But I want to assure you that I am sparing no available resource to find that plane. And I am holding onto every fiber of hope that we will find survivors.”

The search operations, which are focused on a 10-kilometer (6-mile) radius within the Viphya mountain range, are being led by the Malawi Defense Force. This area is known for its challenging terrain and dense pine plantations. President Chakwera emphasized that the search would continue through the night and beyond until the plane is found.

International assistance has been offered by the U.S., U.K., Norway, and Israel, who have provided specialized technologies to aid in the search efforts.

The flight included not only Vice President Chilima and former First Lady Dzimbiri, but also eight other individuals, including three military crew members. The group was en route to attend the funeral of a former government minister.

Chilima, who has served as vice president since 2020, has been a prominent figure in Malawian politics, previously running in the 2019 presidential election and subsequently joining Chakwera’s successful campaign in the historic 2020 election rerun.

Recently, Chilima faced corruption charges, which were dropped last month, sparking criticism of the current administration’s commitment to fighting graft.

President Chakwera called on all Malawians to pray for the passengers and their families during this distressing time.