By Esther Akinbola

Every culture around the world is diverse and extraordinary distinct to the individual. Every tribe has a beautiful culture and history behind it.

When it comes to extraordinary, let’s look at the Banna individuals of Ethiopia who live in the bone–dry terrains that lie east of the Omo River.

The Banna sometimes called the Benna or Banya, put tradition on a pedestal. They are a Nilotic ethnic group in Ethiopia, with about 45,000 in number. They spread around Chari Mountain near Kako Town and a savanna area near Dimeka, a report by the Atlas of Humanity said. The Banna are largely Muslim. 

History has it that men took to stilts to protect themselves from being attacked by wild animals as they walked around their region but nowadays if you go to the Omo River where these Banna individuals use to reside you will find out that walking on stilts has largely become a fun thing mostly for young boys, making them much taller than others.

The Banna tribe has turned into a Tourist site for guests who needs to see the remarkable culture and customs that have been saved for hundreds or millennia.

The marriage requirement for young men in the Banna tribe is quite interesting as they must participate in the cattle-jumping or bull-leaping ceremony. The young man must leap across 15 cows to be allowed to marry and once that is achieved, a celebration is held to end the ceremony. Women sing and dance, giving them all the support they need.

However, Banna men are entitled to more than one woman, with the bride price often being cattle and other items. A man can also protect a widow, a divorced woman, or the wife of an absent husband or brother.

Banna Women are known for their extravagant Hairstyle containing beads held together with butter. The Butter is applied to the hair to protect it from the sun and keep it perfectly supple.