A Health Ministry report released on Tuesday reveals that the confirmed death toll from the Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea has risen to 11 after nearly three months of the outbreak.

According to a new Health Ministry report, the provisional death toll from the Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea has risen to 11 confirmed deaths, with the last death recorded on April 3.

The ministry also reported 15 positive cases, none of which are hospitalized, and 385 contact cases being followed, down from 604 cases the previous week.

Cases of the virus have spread from the eastern province of Kie-Ntem to the economic capital of Bata.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on Equatorial Guinea to report cases of the virus, fearing a potential large-scale epidemic that could affect neighboring Gabon and Cameroon.

The virus, which is transmitted by fruit bats, has a high case fatality rate of up to 88%. There is currently no approved vaccine or antiviral treatment, but supportive care and treatment of specific symptoms can increase the chances of survival. Tanzania also announced a Marburg epidemic on March 21, with five deaths.