The BRIDGES Programme, a five-year initiative to be implemented by First Consult in partnership with the Ethiopian Investment Commission with support from the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works program, will create a digital industrial park labour database that will support the creation of close to 600,000 jobs for young people (80% women) and 15,000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) across Ethiopia’s seven Industrial Parks.

With support of the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works program, the creation of a digital industrial park labour database in Ethiopia will unlock the potential for job creation within Ethiopia’s industrial parks, as well as their surrounding ecosystem.
“True to its name, this [digital industrial park labour database] is truly creating a much needed bridge for tens of thousands of young people into the world of work. And it is an inspiring example of the role technology and digitization has to play in enabling work, which is something the [Mastercard] Foundation wholeheartedly champions,” said Alemayehu Konde Koira, Mastercard Foundation’s Country Head, Ethiopia.