Eight officers of the Counter-Terrorism Directorate of the Ghana Police Service are currently undergoing counter-terrorism and transnational crimes training in Spain.

Dubbed the Trainer of Trainees (TOT) course, the training is sponsored by the European Union. It seeks to support Ghana to build capacity and skills to deliver such training locally, the Ghana police said in a statement.

A total of fifty-four personnel from Ghana’s Security Agencies and the Ambulance Service are expected to be trained this year 2021.

The TOT is planned to cover more personnel for the next four years. Kenya and Senegal are also beneficiaries of a similar sponsorship package.

Ghanaians have been reacting to some pictures of the first batch of eight Police officers under training in Spain.

Mutare Mumuni Muqthar said: This is a great step towards building our capacity to successfully contain the threat. There is a lot of cynicism around police efforts, but that should not discourage the GPS to do the right things. Little by little, we shall fix the image of the Police Service.

Kwabena Darko Darius said: This is a step in the right direction, but I’m afraid they will come and use what they learnt to take bribes and one Ghana.

Douglas Alekiba observed: Personnel development is key to building a strong team who can serve as required. My issue is, have they prepared for these trainees to train their fellows or the training will remain in their heads?

Senior Citizen D’counselor stated: You are struggling to fight armed robbers in this country. For you to find ways to fight robbers and land guards in the country, you are rather finding ways to fight hardcore terrorists who are not yet started their activities in the country. As3m b3n koraa nie

Possible Mission added: After the training tell your leadership to tell the president to equip the service with the necessary tools to complement the training. It shouldn’t be one of things where police personnel will go through hell to execute a common task. The police is what we have, and it is our pride, but Politicians like those I know will always want to take advantage of the service. Service with Integrity

The counter-terrorism training is coming on the back of warning that suspected bandits from Burkina Faso are planning to attack certain parts of the West African nation.

A police wireless message sighted to all regional commanders warned that the bandits had earmarked the Upper East Region of the country as their target.

The wireless message said the attack could take place “any moment from now.”

According to the internal memo, the bandits who have military-grade weapons infiltrated the country “at yet to be identified locations in the Northern Regions and are poised to launch the attack any moment from now.”