President Uhuru Kenyatta attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey on Friday, June 18

The head of state held trade talks with Turkish president Tayyip Erdoğan on the sidelines of the conference

While making his speech, Uhuru called for the democratisation of multilateral organisations so as to ensure inclusivity in decision-making

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday, June 18, travelled to Turkey for a two-day official visit.

President Uhuru joined other heads of state and government at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF).

According to a statement issued by state house, Uhuru held talks with Turkish president Tayyip Erdoğan on the sidelines of the forum.

“The two leaders discussed ways of bolstering bilateral ties between Nairobi and Ankara through trade, diplomacy and people-to-people interactions.”

During his speech at the conference, Uhuru called for the democratization of multilateral organizations so as to ensure inclusivity in decision-making.

“We have seen that the global governance system is not actually working for equality and fairness for all global citizens, and I think it just draws us to the reality that we have a challenge and that the challenge can only be overcome if we democratise more our global governance systems if we are more inclusive in our decision-making processes.”

Uhuru decried the hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by developed nations at the expense of poor countries.

“Now this kind of vaccine nationalism that we have seen. The kind of bias that we have seen of withholding vaccines, where you have countries that today hold 50 vaccines to every citizen, and yet you have countries that are struggling to give their citizens a single dose,” Uhuru stated.