There has got to be more than meets the eye here.

Google has announced that majority of its technical services and support with China’s telecommunications giant, Huawei have been suspended.

This is as a result of the decision by the Donald Trump administration to blacklist the Chinese telecoms giant.

The blacklist came under the new trade blacklist initiative newly introduced by the Donald Trump administration which it says is geared at protecting national security and technological services of “foreign adversaries”.

Blacklisting Huawei meant that it will be difficult and somewhat impossible for the firm to do business with companies in the United States. This will no doubt serve as a big blow to the company which was gaining world dominance in the smartphone industry.

The first company to comply with Trump’s new policy and the decision to blacklist Huawei is Google, which has released a report saying it will no longer offer Android updates for phones made by the Chinese telecom company Huawei.

Google, owned by Alphabet, “has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services except those publicly available via open source licensing.

“We are complying with the order and reviewing the implications,” a spokesperson said, according to a report made available by CNBC.

What this simply means is that Huawei smartphones will no longer be able to license Google’s Android operating system. Users of the product will, therefore, lose access to updates and future versions of Huawei smartphones running on Android won’t be able to access popular Google apps including Gmail, YouTube, and the Google Play store – which lets users easily download third-party apps.

Could there be more to this policy? Could this be a ploy by the American government to deliver a fatal blow to China while crippling the dominance of Huawei?

Huawei is one of the world’s largest smartphone suppliers, second only to Samsung – and miles ahead of American smartphone producers, iPhone.

Another theory is centered around the release of Huawei’s new product, the Huawei P30 which critics say outweighs all iPhone products currently available in the market.

CNN confirmed in a report that in losing access to the latest Google software and updates, Huawei may find it difficult to compete in the global smartphone market.

Could this be the original plan?

According to reports by Bloomberg, Google isn’t the only company cutting ties with Huawei. American chipmakers such as Intel, Qualcomm and Broadcom have told their employees that they will stop supplying Huawei with the necessary hardware to produce their smartphones.

The Nikkei Asian Review has also reported that the German chipmaker  – Infineon has also stopped shipments to Huawei.

What did U.S president, Donald Trump have in mind by placing the ban?

Header Image Credit: The Live Mirror