Kenya is still battling with a large Number of Covid – 19 cases as they have currently run out of ICU beds in their Hospitals.

A recent study found Kenya has about 537 ICU beds and just fewer than 300 ventilators

Healthcare workers in Kenya are among those admitted at various hospitals, Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) said in a statement.

On social media, several doctors have been sharing their experiences across the country.

Kenya’s Director General for Health, Patrick Amoth, told a media that a national study had found the presence of coronavirus variants first detected in South Africa and the UK.

“Most [cases] of the South African variant have been picked from our border with Tanzania, especially in people with a history of travel from Tanzania,” Dr Amoth said.

The country has reported 122,000 Covid-19 cases and 2,000 deaths.