An Incident Occurred in Uganda at the Uganda famous park which led to the death of six lions.

The Ugandan authorities have arrested four suspects.

The lions were found dead and mutilated and Vultures were seen scavenging its body.

The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) said the suspects were arrested in a joint operation by the military, police and the wildlife authorities.

“Today at daybreak, the suspects took the security team to a location where three heads of lions were found hidden in a tree and the fourth one was buried with 15 legs under the same tree. The suspects said they dropped one leg in the park,” UWA said in a statement.

The Wildlife authorities did not give an indication on why the lions were killed.

The wildlife authority said they found a bottle of a poisonous chemical and a jerry can of lion fat in a banana plantation. It also found two spears, a machete and a hunting net with one of the suspects.

It said the operation had begun after they received “credible information” about the suspects.

The authority offered a cash reward of 10 million shillings (about $2,725; £1,987) for leads to the suspects.

UWA said they were saddened by the death of the lions because lions were the major view in the park.