Covid-19 denialists and those against wearing protective masks were among the almost 200 people who gathered at Muizenberg beach at the weekend in protest against the adjusted Level 3 restrictions.

Several beaches were the site of similar smaller demonstrations on Saturday, after a notification circulated on Facebook, calling on “surfers to business owners and vendors” to take a stand against lockdown restrictions.

Beaches in Sea Point, Plettenberg Bay, Fish Hoek, Milnerton, Clifton, Blouberg and Llandudno in the Western Cape and Pipe in Port Elizabeth, were earmarked for the “Beach Turn Up” demonstrations.

Some had come out with family and friends bearing placards, flouting nationwide calls for physical distancing and mask wearing. People cheered as some surfers dived into the water. Although on scene, law enforcement stood back, inactive.

Chad Papier, from Mitchell’s Plain said: “We actually came together as a unit because we just want to spread the message because we’ve been lied to, we’ve been kept in our homes. Those in power are lying to us. We want to wake up the masses because, what they are pushing – the hidden agendas – they are trying to control us, make guinea pigs for us.”

Cape Coloured Congress supporter, Faizel Petersen from Lavender Hill, said, “I am here in support of opening these beaches. The crap of closing the beaches has got nothing to do with the virus, in my opinion.”

The Western Cape ANC yesterday called on provincial police commissioner Yolisa Matakata to order an investigation and arrest and charge the organisers of the protest.

The demonstration was held by the Woke Nation, SAUV, #EndLockdownSA, #SCAMDEMIC, WAM and the Great South African Re-opening.

The protest organiser, identified only as “Nita”, said Saturday’s protest would not be the last.