Uganda has applied for more than two million doses of Covid-19 vaccines as the number of cases in the East African nation tops 25,000.

“The Ministry has quantified and applied for the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine through the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Gavi) and the process is at an advanced stage,” privately-owned Chimp Reports website quoted the Director General Health Services, Henry Mwebesa, as saying.

“This is a vaccine (AstraZeneca) which the government is aware has gone through World Health Organisation clearance and approval… It is important to note that only vaccines approved by the Ministry of Health and WHO can be administered to the population of Uganda,” Dr Mwebesa added.

Uganda expects to receive two million free doses from Gavi in early 2021 but is “setting aside a budget to procure more for the entire population”. There has been a rise in the number of daily infections at a time when the country is preparing to hold general elections on 14 January 2021.

Some politicians have been accused of failing to adhere to the set health guidelines during campaigns.