President Donald Trump reacted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not ruling out impeachment to prevent him from nominating a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court at a campaign rally in Swanton, Ohio. In an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi said Democrats will use “every arrow in our quiver” to delay the nomination and would not rule out impeachment.
“Now they want to impeach me again if I nominate somebody as I’m constitutionally obligated to do to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States,” Trump said.
“Go ahead. I want them to do that. I want them to do that,” Trump dared.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In 2018, we expanded the Senate majority. Remember, they said–first of all, I wasn’t running. I wasn’t running. It makes a difference. Wait until you see what happens. We’re going to take back the House. We’re going to get rid of this crazy Nancy Pelosi.
Kevin McCarthy has done a great job. We’re going to take back the House. People are so tired of her. People are so tired–today the latest? So, they impeached me for a perfect phone call, perfect. It was a perfect phone call. Now they want to impeach me again if I nominate somebody as I’m constitutionally obligated to do to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. Go ahead and — I want them to do that. I want them to do that.
AUDIENCE: Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat.
TRUMP: We will.
AUDIENCE: Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat.
TRUMP: We will.
AUDIENCE: Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat.
TRUMP: We will.
AUDIENCE: Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat. Fill that seat.
TRUMP: “If he puts forth a highly qualified candidate, we will impeach him.” “Oh,” I said, “well, I’m the only guy in the world that could get impeached for trying to fill the seat in the Supreme”–so, we’re going to put up our nominee, who’s going to be outstanding. We’re looking at five incredible jurists, five incredible people, women that are extraordinary in every way. I mean, honestly could be any one of them. We are going to be announcing it on Friday or Saturday. And again, they say it’s the most important thing and think of it–so in a single term–single term by the end of our term we will have nominated and had confirmed I think it’ll end up being over 300 federal judges and hopefully three Supreme Court justices think of that–three. You know, some presidents they never get any. They last a long time. A lot of presidents get none–we’ve had three. It’s blowing their minds. It’s blowing their minds.
But for the people of Ohio this is what you want. So it looks like we are going to have three nd it’s going to be very exciting. It’s exciting even for me. I’m going to look forward to it. Probably Saturday we will announce the nominee and it’s somebody you’re going to have great respect for–great respect. Thank you. Thank you. Big stuff.
That’s a big thing. You know they set the course of our country for many years to come. Whether it’s on life or the Second Amendment or so many other things they set the whole course of the country. Very important position. The most important. Joe Biden has refused to list the names of his potential justices because he knows they’re too extreme to withstand any form of public review. If Joe Biden and the Democrats take power they will pack the Supreme Court with far-left radicals who will unilaterally transform American society far beyond recognition. They will mutilate the largest figure, the Constitution and impost a socialist vision from the bench that could never pass at the ballot box. So they don’t want to show the judges because the only ones that he can put in are far-left radicals.