As the country waits to see if charges will be filed against the police officers who killed Breonna Taylor, her boyfriend Kenneth Walker is struggling with the loss of the 26-year-old EMT worker.

According to NBC News, attorneys for Walker reveal “he asks himself daily why he is alive and Taylor is not.”

Steve Romines, one of Walker’s attorneys, said, “When you are shot at and when you see a loved one basically executed in front of you, you never recover from that. It is something that haunts him every single night. And not only that, all that goes down and then he’s arrested. He didn’t get to go to her funeral.”

Kenneth Walker could not attend his girlfriend’s funeral because he was behind bars for attemped murder of a police officer after he fired a legal gun at someone he beleived was an intruder.

After outrage from social media, all charges were dropped.

Romines said, “There’s all kinds of people falsely charged by the police who don’t have the resources to properly defend it. And they get put in a position where about all they can do is just take some sort of plea to something they didn’t do just to get out of jail.”

Walker filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Louisville and the police department.

RELATED: Breonna Taylor’s Ex-Boyfriend Accuses Cops Of Lying

After midnight on March 13, Louisville police officers Brett Hankison, Myles Cosgrove and Jonathan Mattingly executed a botched “no-knock” warrant at Taylor’s apartment, which she shared with Walker. Shots were fired and Taylor was hit eight times and died.

The police raid found no drugs at Taylor’s apartment and she was not the target of the investigation. Rather, it was her ex-boyfriend Jamarcus Glover who police were after. Glover had been arrested earlier that same night.

Protests have erupted all over the country in response to the police killing of Taylor with many celebrities and politicians, including Democratic candidate Joe Biden calling for the officers to be charged.

In June, Louisville Metro Police Department announced the dismissal of Brett Hankison and called his conduct “a shock to the conscience.” According to CBS News, Chief of Police Robert Schroeder wrote in the letter that Hankison violated the first procedure when he “wantonly and blindly fired ten (10) rounds” into Taylor’s apartment and added, “These rounds created a substantial danger of death and serious injury to Breonna Taylor and the three occupants of the apartment next to Ms. Taylor’s.”

Schroeder said Hankison also violated the department’s use of force procedure when he fired the rounds “without supporting facts that your deadly force was directed at a person against whom posed an immediate threat of danger or serious injury to yourself or others.”

Jon Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove were placed on administrative reassignment throughout the investigation.

Taylor’s family filed a lawsuit asserting that the Louisville officers did not identify themselves when they entered the home that fateful night, and that Walker — a licensed gun owner — thought someone was trying to break in.