Two prominent rebels and an opposition leader have been arrested by Sudanese security forces a day after they met the Ethiopian premier during his reconciliation mission to Khartoum,their aides said on Saturday.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who has emerged as a key regional leader, met representatives of both sides on Friday in a bid to revive talks between Sudan’s ruling generals and protest leaders after a deadly crackdown left dozens of people dead in the capital this week.
The prime minister also met with opposition politician Mohamed Esmat and a leader of the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), Ismail Jalab.

Sudanese security forces later arrested both men without giving any reason, their aides told AFP on Saturday.

The opposition politician Esmat was arrested on Friday soon after his meeting with Ahmed. 

While Jalab was arrested from his residence early on Saturday.

Esmat and Jalab are both leading members of the Alliance for Freedom and Change, which brings together opposition parties and rebel groups with the organisers of the mass protests which have gripped Sudan since December last year.

The arrest of Jalab comes just days after the SPLM-N’s deputy leader, Yasir Arman, was seized from his home in Khartoum.