Big Sean has been open about his mental health struggles for years, but he recently decided to share just how bad things got.

In a Facebook Watch interview with Michael Eric Dyson, the Detroit rap star revealed that he came dangerously close to suicide. “I for sure contemplated suicide a lot of times, having guns in my hand, feeling it for real … planning it out to the point where I said, ‘Hey, if I do kill myself, at least my family will get this amount of money. I did this already,’” he told Dyson. Sean went on to talk about how the pressure to work and resulting exhaustion lead to a dark chapter in his life. “I was just stressed out and not happy. I realized that OK, I need to stop everything I’m doing and figure this out or I’m going to self-destruct.”

Thankfully, Sean was able to get the help he needed. “I took the time off, cancelled everything I was doing, sought therapy, connected with God more, spiritually grounded myself, and put myself first as a priority for the first time ever,” he shared.