Watch moment with millicent on how to prepare a spicy egg sauce. This sauce can go with yam, plantain or bread.
Watch moment with milllicent demonstrate how to make a soft and delicious butter bread
Watch moment with millicent on simple and fastest way to make party style couscous. The recipe can be serve for lunch or dinner.
Watch moment with millicent on how to cookspicy spaghetti mixed with bell peppers.
Watch moment with millicent on how easy to make buns
Watch moment with millicent on how to make a plain cake or sponge cake
This episode shows moment on how millicent prepare a fluffy beans akara
Watch millicent shares moment on how to make delicious coconut rice
Watch moment with millicent on how to make delicious titus fish roll
This episode shows moment on how millicent display an easy way to prepare egg and plantain frittata
Watch this week episode on how millicent make eggless golden brown puffpuff very yummy and tasty.
Watch moment with millicent on how to make mouthwatering and tasty vegetable stew. This stew can go wth rice and any swallow like iyan, amala and so on.
Watch moment with millicent on how to use captain instant oatmeal for swalllow. oatmeal fufu can go with stew like egusi, vegetable soup or ogbono. The meal is best for people who want to loss weight and helps in digestion.
Watch moment with millicent on how to prepare breakfast recipe of perfect pancake, strawberry ice cream shake and scrambled eggs
Watch moment with millicent on how to make a delicious toast bread with tuna sandwich. The bread was toast without a toasting machine.